GOODNESS Wallpapers
Hey there, Fellow Wait-er!
July is all about the fruit of the Spirit of goodness. This month, I’ve really been working on choosing my words so carefully and only trying to use “good” as it relates to God and the things He has done —what a challenge. (If you missed my Instagram post on this - check it out here). And trust me, if you ever want to be challenged in your faith in the area of growing in the fruit of the Spirit, just try writing a book about it. Whew.) However, I’m learning that attending to those growth edges in my life is totally worth it. ♡ Would you agree?
If you are just joining us as a free subscriber, thank you! I release a new post every Friday (this week, Saturday!) You’ll have access to one free post per month, normally released on the first Friday of every month, and of course, you are always welcome to browse the archives.
If you are a paid subscriber, it’s another perk day - exclusive to you! Today, I am releasing the GOODNESS wallpapers and discussing why I chose the color for the month and floral for this particular fruit of the Spirit in the book. Read on!
My goal each month is to encourage you to actively seek out the fruit of the Spirit in your everyday life and to provide you with a few fun tools like these to help you do so.
So, here are five of my favorite wallpapers this month. They are orchid flowers—some of my absolute favorites!